Guthrie, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Highway 33 West of Town

Guthrie, OklahomaJan 12, 20030 Comments

Very short distance between speed zone changes. Speed limit drops from 65-55-45 within a completely unrealistic distance.

Highway 77 and highway 33 through entire city limits

Guthrie, OklahomaJan 06, 20030 Comments

Too many police officers for size of town and heavily dependent on traffic fines(which are quite high) for revenue. Especially after dark police hide to look for slightest violation(license plate light out, etc.) to write tickets. Also work any construction area heavily and will double the fine. A favorite spot was construction where Hiway 77 joined I 35 and speeds went from 55 to 35. Scores of tickets written. This area is still worked for northbound exits off I 35 onto US 77. Guthrie is a tourist spot but one of the main reasons for attracting tourists is to write them a ticket for anything from speeding to expired inspection sticker to failure to buckle seat belts.

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