Harmon, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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US Highway 60/283

Harmon, OklahomaNov 28, 20070 Comments

The town of Harmon consists of around 20 houses along the highway between Arnett and Vici (it’s about 7 miiles east of Arnett). The Oklahoma Highway Patrol likes to hide under a tree at the bottom of a hill leaving this town. The speed limit is 65 on U.S. Highway 60 but drops rapidly to 45 as you enter the "town" of Harmon. Literally, you can drive through and Not realize that you have just gone through a town. OHP sure is serious about it, and they will cite you for an S26 (26-30 MPH over limit) fine if they think they can get away with it. I checked the court dockets in Ellis County for the day I got stopped and there were a Lot of people charged with exactly 26 MPH over the limit, which makes for a $336.50 ticket.

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