Howe, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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State Highway 59

Howe, OklahomaFeb 01, 20080 Comments

Local town police watch state hwy, (just a little know nothing town) open hwy with 2 businesses on the frontage road,

Hwy 59, between Heavener and Poteau, OK

Howe, OklahomaJan 06, 20030 Comments

The speed limit thru Howe is 60 mph. Dont drive 61 or you’ll get pulled over. Make sure all of your lights are working and use signals. Watch for the officer at the south edge of 59 as you enter the city limits, and watch at the overpass at the north edge of Howe. The town of Howe is approx. 1/2 mile west of Hwy 59. Writing tickets is their only revenue. Also dont be suprised if the officer follows you half way to Heavener, and then pulls you over for speeding,saying that you were weaving, following to closly, ect.

Hwy 59 5 miles n of Heavener Ok

Howe, OklahomaJan 01, 20010 Comments

Several different police cars (1) black&white (1) blue and white and several white chevy impalas

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