Mcloud, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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State Highway 102 North near WEs Watkins Resevoir

Mcloud, OklahomaJul 27, 20051 Comments

Can find someone pulled over near the lake most any time of the day. A regular stop area. Park near an electrical transfer station.

State Hwy 102 (McLoud Road) from I-40 heading north into McLoud

Mcloud, OklahomaJan 14, 20030 Comments

This stretch of highway was recently widened to 4 lanes, and paradoxically, the speed limit DROPPED to 50. I only travel through there from time to time, but my in-laws have lived in McLoud for 35 years, and they say this stretch of road has become quite a source of revenue for the town. They say there’s rarely a day where someone isn’t pulled over on that stretch. Quite unusual, considering I see more speeding on the so-called "Dale Stretch", a three-mile-long perfectly straight and flat 2-lane stretch of Hwy 270 heading SE out of McLoud with a state-standard speed limit of 65 and several direct turnouts from dirt side roads (always dangerous). The key difference is, there’s a lot more traffic on McLoud Road and not so much on the Dale Stretch, and everyone knows the economics just don’t work out, even if that stretch is more dangerous.

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