Nichols Hills, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Pennsylvania Avenue near NW 63rd Street & North

Nichols Hills, OklahomaAug 13, 20071 Comments

I live in the area and I drive through Nichols Hills every week. The speed limit on Penn drops from 45mph to 25mph as you enter Nichols Hills. The speed limit feels very slow, it is hard to stay under 25mph and they are always patrolling. Nichols Hills writes a lot of tickets. It is my belief that they want to discourage people that don’t live in the area from driving through their little town.

Pennsylvania Road near Grand Drive

Nichols Hills, OklahomaAug 17, 20040 Comments

I have established a personal ban on driving in Nichols Hills. I no longer shop anywhere on Western or on Avondale Drive. I just left an international data corporation on North Penn. Every night at 3 A.M., The Village PD would follow me to the Nichols Hills city limits. Then at Penn and Grand, a Nichols Hills policeman would follow me to 63rd. He was both running radar and my tag. Watch out for the little white car without a light bar. It is a good idea to just avoid Pennsylvania in Nichols Hills anyway.

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