Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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West bound on Airline just past the travel trailer park

Pauls Valley, OklahomaJun 26, 20200 Comments

Police hide just south of the old telephone building past the travel trailer park and has zero tolerance speed limit is 45mph.

Paoli, OK

Pauls Valley, OklahomaFeb 07, 20110 Comments

Perhaps this is not a speed trap, but still warrants noting. Do not "roll through" stop signs—-come to a complete stop. The police love ticketing folks for this. Also, I was "warned" about going 35 in a 25, which was approximately a 25′ strip between the highway and Dulin Drive. I couldn’t believe it.

Mederian road north of Wal-Mart

Pauls Valley, OklahomaApr 02, 20100 Comments

After completion of the new Wal-Mart, the road that runs North-South by Walmart has been set up as a speed trap. Speed limits go from 35 as you pass wal-mart south to 45 south of the bridge. The sign is difficult to see and there is no transition. Police hide South of the Rush Creek Bridge and nail you for 170 dollar fines. The work the reverse some days as you go northbound to Wal-mart.

Interstate I-35 near Mile Marker 66

Pauls Valley, OklahomaOct 03, 20080 Comments

Beware anywhere in garvin county. They nail you friday-sunday by airplane. When i was pulled over, i was given a ridiculous ticket and no airplane was in sight. NONE. I know this are and was looking out for one all along.

I-35 (Exit 70)

Pauls Valley, OklahomaDec 21, 20020 Comments

Up until 1997 this I-35 location used to be a prolific speed trap, mainly on weekends (especially Sunday afternoon). Usually trooper would sit just just north of Exit 70 overpass in median, gunning northbound lanes. I don’t remember seeing this speed trap active since 1997, but the tire ruts at that spot are still bare. Who knows. I have seen some traffic stops between Mile Marker 70 and 74 in recent years, but nothing more. Comments from the peanut gallery will be helpful.

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