Shattuck, Oklahoma Speed Traps
Shattuck-Sharon road, Shattuck to US 270
Long, straight country road. Mostly posted 55 mph. 4 mile stretch posted 50. OHP Troopers from Shattuck and Woodward work it a lot. Woodward and Ellis County deputies also work it. All officers do many drug and alcohol searchs. They also like to search for guns.
Trunkline road, US283 to Fargo Road
Very narrow, hilly road. Many dangerous intersections. OHP Troopers from Shattuck operate out of Guymon Headquarters. Troopers work morning and evening rush hours weekly. Often set at Highway 46 running radar east and west. Also conduct drug searchs. OHP aircraft has been known to fly over road.
Highway 15 to Woodward
Sheriff patrols are heavy. Deputies looking for dope and alcohol. Will stop you for just being a little over limit, or even crossing the lines a few times. State Troopers are seen some too. Don’t drink and drive here at all and leave open bottles somewhere else!