Skiatook, Oklahoma Speed Traps
3 block strip along Rogers Blvd/Hwy 20
Upon entering the city from the east at the intersection to Hwy 20/Hwy 11, the speed limit is 35 miles an hour. It is the original old main street with some old retail store fronts. Some active, Some not active. Within 2 blocks of the posted 35 mile an hour limit, it drops to 30 miles an hour for 3 blocks. Once past the 2nd light at the west edge of town at Osage Street and Casey’s Convenience Store, the posted limit goes back up to 35 miles an hour. A city cop sits at the Skiatook library parking lot in the middle of the 30 mile per hour strip, handing out tickets for $120…Have a nice holiday. Be ready to give the cop, you physical address, and personal phone number……
Just passed 52nd W. Ave and Lake Road (103rd)
Police officer or an Osage County Deputy will sit just north of the intersection on a side street of what looks to be a housing addition in the making. The officers car is parked far enough down the side street that you can not see him until it is too late. It is usually a solid black unmarked police car with black tinted windows. Occasionally it is an Osage County Deputy Cruiser.
Lombard Lane near Oak Street
Enforcement vehicles sit either behind the church, out of sight or in the gravel lot across the street so they are behind the vacant blue metal building.
State Highway 20 near C Street
City officer will set off to the North of the highway 20/ C street intersection on C st. It’s hard to spot him while traveling east or west bound because of trees and buildings, but he has an excellent view of all passing traffic
S.H. 20 from U.S. 75 thru downtown Skiatook
It is not uncommon to find as many as 3 plus officer’s working traffic along Highway 20. Mornings are worst.