Stratford, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Magnolia street aka county road 3440

Stratford, OklahomaApr 21, 20130 Comments

The town has not designated a city limit and the southbound county road suddenly goes from being 45 mph to 25. You don’t know you’re breaking the speed limit because there is only a crooked, bent sign that states all city streets are 25 mph. The sign is at the top of a hill and you can’t slow down before he’s got you. Then he says you are childish for and the fine is over $100. He says there have been resident complaints – well yes people speed because there aren’t signs telling you that you are in town or what the speed limit is. I GREW UP THERE AND THIS IS NOT THE TOWN IT USED TO BE. It’s a speed trap- they make money off of this. I won’t spend another dime there or attend the Peach Festival and I hope others will heed this warning.

Main Street.

Stratford, OklahomaApr 22, 20100 Comments

The speed limit drops to 15mph. from 25mph. The police will sit by the drug store on one side of the hill and wait for people to exceed the 15mph. speed limit.

State Highway 177 near State Highway 19

Stratford, OklahomaAug 15, 20070 Comments

Police cars (2) vary in location along Hwy 177. Usually sit near intersection of 19 and 177. Speed limit is 35 but when you come from 65 to 55 to 45 to 35 it’s easy to get caught. Signs are too close for normal speed deceleration.

US Highway 177 near State Highway 19

Stratford, OklahomaMar 08, 20050 Comments

Officers work incoming traffic on the west and south side of town most of the time. Traffic fines for stratford are higher on most vilations than oklahoma city or norman,ok

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