The Village, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Hefner Dr. west of May Ave., east of Hefner Parkway

The Village, OklahomaJun 17, 20111 Comments

The speed limit is 35 mph but almost everyone goes faster. This is still in The Village and the police will set up speed traps on the side roads. The Village police probably don’t use it as often as they can cause it’s like catching fish in a barrel.

Pennsylvania Ave. north of Brittain Road

The Village, OklahomaApr 09, 20111 Comments

Speed limit drops from 35 to 15 near a school, police hide behind a tree across the street from the school. Speed limit signs are obscured by bushes and trees.
I see motorists ticketed everyday there. The Village is two square miles in size and has a population of ten thousand, but Oklahoma City motorists must pass through The Village on their way to work. This tiny town has three judges who hear traffic tickets in their village court. The administrative costs of running
this court are way out of proportion.

Pennsylvania Road near Hefner Drive

The Village, OklahomaAug 17, 20041 Comments

I joined an international data corporation in The Village and was warned on day #1 about the exhaustive efforts of the Village Police. My shift ended at 3 A.M. and I was almost always followed to Nichols Hills every night. I stayed at 5mph under the limit.
Watch out for 2 to 3 of them waiting in the parking lot of the 7-Eleven at Brittan and Penn. One of them even chased me down at 80 to 90 MPH on Brittan (I was only doing 40, but he was 1/2 mile behind me.) I monitored him on my trusty police scanner. Even though he had ran my plate about 30 times before, he wanted to run it one more time. By the time the return came back to the dispatcher, I was already Southbound on the Hefner Parkway doing 55 mph. People were passing me like I was standing still. He had to go all the way to 63rd to get back to his jurisdiction. By then, he was about 6 miles out of his own city. What would he have said to the guy’s wife if his buddy had been shot back in The Village? "Well mam, I was chasing down a guy on The Hefner just to get a return on his car tag. So sorry…."
Also, be extremely careful anywhere in the Village. They lost a Walmart 3 years ago and an Albertson’s this year! Their budget is down $500,000!

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