Tishomingo, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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hyw 377 north of city limits

Tishomingo, OklahomaFeb 02, 20120 Comments

on hwy 377 about 2 to 5 miles north of tish city limits,ohp hides on county side roads,on weekends stops one car,makes u-turns stops another,I got stoped received a warning,officer very polite

6th Street near US Highway 99

Tishomingo, OklahomaFeb 28, 20080 Comments

Sits behind obstructions in the mornings and especially at lunch.

main street

Tishomingo, OklahomaDec 12, 20020 Comments

sit in dark side roads an late at night say after 12:00 am if you are out, then consider yourself gonna get pulled over.

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