Tuttle, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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All of Tuttle

Tuttle, OklahomaNov 30, 20120 Comments

Don’t speed even 1 mile over the speed limit in that town. They ticket you for anything they possibly can. I have lived there two years and have gotten pulled over 4 times.. I have never gotten pulled over that much in my whole life till I moved to that horrible town. The town is a JOKE! They always have a cop sitting in the funeral home parking lot… Which is located on HWY 37 right as u are driving into the main town of Tuttle. So just beware. Don’t go there if you don’t have to… I cant wait to get out of that town!

State Highway 4 near State Highway 37

Tuttle, OklahomaJun 18, 20080 Comments

South of Hiway 37 on Hiway 4 about 1/2 mi. on west side of road is unused driveway. Will check traffic from both directions. They also patrol Hiway 4 in their jurisdiction.

State Route State Highway 4 near Route 67 Stop light Crossing

Tuttle, OklahomaNov 14, 20051 Comments

The speed limit drops from 65 to 55 to 45 in a matter of 200 yards. There is no reason to drop the speed limit since the area is very rural. At the intersection, the roadway dips so bad that even traveling at 45MPH will damage your car.

State Highway 37 WEST near US Highway I-44

Tuttle, OklahomaNov 06, 20050 Comments

Be careful on this highway, for both the Tuttle and Newcastle cops patrol it. Tuttle has no Super Walmart, so they will issue a ticket if you go over 55. Newcastle has one but also has plenty of young cops with attitudes that WILL issue a ticket if they can.

Hiwy 37 and North of 37 on Mustang Rd.

Tuttle, OklahomaMay 05, 20031 Comments

Any part of road way in tuttle city limits, which extends for 8 miles east of tuttle on hiwy 37, North of 37 on Sara Rd and many county roads. The speed limits are too low and restrictive for the type of roads. Went to court today for 70/60. One man had been ticked on a county road for 45, Judge told him all roads in Tuttle are 35 unless marked; this road was not marked, thus was 35mph, though all unmarked county roads are 45. He dismissed the ticked but still charged "administration fee" of $35.00. DO NOT TRAVEL THROUGH TUTTLE. IF YOU DO, DO NOT STOP AND SPEND YOUR MONEY THERE.

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