Westville, Oklahoma Speed Traps
Chewey Road West off OK 59
Very long straight stretch of good 2-lane county road with great visibility and a speed limit of 45mph. Most people drive 55 or more, even the county police whom aren’t the problem. A certain Highway Patrolman will get you for going over 50, if he decides he doesn’t like you he will even lie on the report and say you were going 56, as 11 over will stick to your record. Mind you, this is not a state road, but it is patrolled by state officers.
Note that this isn’t a huge problem at the moment, but they’ve harassed people out here for years and it is likely to start again.
U.S. Hwy. 62 Westbound from U.S. Hwy. 59
Patrol car stationary, with radar, watching vehicles after traffic signal. 35 mph zone where it should be 55-65.
State Highway 59 near State Highway 62
City police will have 2 patrol cars on both ends of city limits, the 2 cars will be setting facing in different directions so they can use the radars in both directions at the same time.
State Highway 59 near State Highway 62
Most tickets seem to occur where the speed drops from 45 to 35 (usually in the $130 – $150 dollar range). This is a four-lane highway that runs along the extreme edge of town.