Angus, Ontario Speed Traps
Simcoe Sideroad 10 – right in town – 50KMH zone
There is a tiny alcove on Simcoe Road 10 just as you turn onto it in the 50 kmh zone where the OPP will sit quite often. It is well hidden. Word of advice —> just do the speed limit anywhere in an Angus 50 zone!!
Anywhere on Cty rd. 10 between Cty rd. 21 and Angus.
There’s 3 favorite places on County rd. 10 that you are guaranteed to find at least one radar trap. The first is approx 3 klms north of Baxter on the right hand side (entrance to a hydro station) the next is about 2 klm’s north of that, at the 20th side rd. and the next is again about another 2 klm’s north at the 4th line.
Mill st.
The entire street is a racing strip from the base to the 5srd just on the outskirt of Angus, cops usually sit at the old Lions hall ,this is midway from the 2 main intersections were the guys start their races…………….