Fort Erie, Ontario Speed Traps

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Bertie Street near Pettit Road

Fort Erie, OntarioDec 18, 20070 Comments

Area is posted at 50km/h. Will usually be there on weekday after noons when the school buses are out. Sometimes there on weekends in the morning.

Dominion Road near Near Burleigh Road

Fort Erie, OntarioFeb 26, 20070 Comments

from 80 KPH to 50 in a heartbeat coming into Ridgeway. Used to be 80 on this semi-rural road.

Garrison Road near Kraft Road

Fort Erie, OntarioMay 01, 20060 Comments

There is usually a marked car sitting in front of the car wash or on the opposite side where the school bus company is.

Central Avenue near Fort Erie Public Library

Fort Erie, OntarioMay 01, 20060 Comments

Parking lot in front of the rail road museum. Usually a marked Niagara Regional cruiser.

State Highway QEW near Bowen Road

Fort Erie, OntarioMay 01, 20060 Comments

OPP hides behind the overpass at Bowen Rd. exit. Usually a marked cruiser.

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