Oro-Medonte, Ontario Speed Traps
Hwy 93 @ Forbes Road
Cop sits in the church parking lot and gets people that haven’t slowed down for the speed limit drop! Goes from 80km/h to 60 km/h.
Cop also will get those going the other way, saying they are doing 80+ km/h in the 60 zone!
Highway 11 North at 10th line
The police hide at the 10th line of Oro Medonte. As you round the curve from the 9th its too late to see the cruiser sitting on the 10th. They sometimes have a number of cruisers by the Burger joint to chase after the speeders the cop sitting at the 10th picks off.
Highway 11 North Bound at the 11th Line
Just past the RV dealerships on Hwy 11 North, the cops hide at the 11th Line and you can’t see them until you go under the bridge. Too Late. This is a 90 zone, with average speeeds around 110-120, so it will be a hefty fine.
Highway 11 North Bound at the 14th Line
Considering how many cop cars are parked there on a regular basis this must be a training area for the Orillia OPP Cadets!
Travelling down the hill from the 13th you can’t see them until you go under the bridge, by then its too late!
At Line 8 on West Side of Hwy 11
Travelling southbound on Hwy 11 you tend to speed in the 90km/h. You round the corner and they are there just out of sight until you’re on them.