Pickering, Ontario Speed Traps

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Finch between Altona and Rosebank

Pickering, OntarioJul 21, 20150 Comments

Cop car sits in someone’s driveway on Finch. It’s a 50km/h zone

401 Eastbound between White’s Rd and Brock Rd.

Pickering, OntarioAug 29, 20120 Comments

I drive this stretch every morning. I’ve been stopped three times and see at least 4 people a month stopped on both express and collector. Not sure where they’re hiding or if it is air patrolled. You should probably slow down after Port Union.

Dixie Rd South Bound North of Glenanna

Pickering, OntarioJul 05, 20120 Comments

As you travel South from Finch on Dixie Rd, you go through the gully as you crest the hill at the Silverton Square traffic lights you will be traveling 60km when you hit the 40Km sign in the school safety zone. That is because you just missed the 2 signs hidden stating 60km to 40km coming up and 40km max as they are placed on the new hydro poles hidden by the old hydro poles that have yet to be removed. The police stand with laser tag at the lights on Glenanna, bang gotcha as you crest the hill and see the 40km sign.

Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Rd.

Pickering, OntarioMay 25, 20120 Comments

This one may be transient due to GO platform construction, but there are ALWAYS cops in the mall parking lot along the Parkway – construction dips down to 30km/hr so be carefulllll!!!!

Altona road North of Hwy 2

Pickering, OntarioMay 08, 20110 Comments

The trap sit on Fiddler ct (approx 500 meters from Hwy 2) with the radar and check everyboby going North on Altona rd,the speed is 50 Klm an hour but it near a school zone where it can be doubles if you get cut.

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