Apollo, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Rt 56 and California Ave

Apollo, PennsylvaniaOct 04, 20100 Comments

Kiski Township police love to sit on California Ave the road right before meatpackers pizza. It right by the crest of a hill so you cannot see them hiding. One side there is an old looking garage and other side is high weeds. Speed limit is 45 here

RT.56 going up the hill where the old red light was.

Apollo, PennsylvaniaAug 03, 20100 Comments

A speed trap is set up on the hill just up from the flower shop on Rt.56. The posted speed limit is 25 mph in this area.

State Route 286 near State Route 66

Apollo, PennsylvaniaAug 07, 20070 Comments

be careful .go 55 on this road.. new speed trap using the new but highly unknown… dont even know your caught till your 1/2 mile away from trap.. then cop pulls you over ..

North & South Rt-66 Between Rt-380 & Rt-366 2 mile Stretch

Apollo, PennsylvaniaJan 01, 20011 Comments

A previous 55 MPH Highway Reduced to 45 MPH,

Rt-380 1/4 mile either East or West of R-66 Intersection

Apollo, PennsylvaniaJan 01, 20010 Comments

Marked or Unmarked Pa.State Police Cars, usually set up as you are coming down hill from Intersection, either Direction

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