Duryea, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Main st southbound

Duryea, PennsylvaniaFeb 19, 20120 Comments

From Auraunts restaurant on right to March st sitting on left, 25 mph stretch is speed trap. Other end of town at funeral home is vascar lines…beware

Main Street entering Duryea from Old Forge

Duryea, PennsylvaniaNov 21, 20020 Comments

Use of ESP/Laser. Unmarked gold Ford Taurus sitting on left-hand side of road clocks vehicles while transitioning from a 35 MPH zone to 25 MPH zone. Police officers stop you in road with stop sign about 1/8 mi. further down road.

Main Street going into Pittston

Duryea, PennsylvaniaNov 10, 20020 Comments

Cops sit in junkyard at side of road or in gas station across the street, the speed limit is a rediculous 25 mph. They can be out any tme of the day there, mostly at night tho

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