Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Line Street and Bonnie Lane

Montgomeryville, PennsylvaniaMay 05, 20110 Comments

Unmarked car sits on Bonnie Lane off of Line Street.

309 Expressway near Salt mound

Montgomeryville, PennsylvaniaApr 16, 20080 Comments

North Bound 309 near the Salt Mound (right at the bend) . state trooper sits there all the time and you usually don’t see him until it is too late. Pretty much everyone I know has gotten 1 ticket there. You can always tell the regular drivers because they will slow down at the area and let the non regulars speed past and get the tickets . .which they don’t plead down due to construction area and the costs are brutal!

State Route 309 near State Route 202 North

Montgomeryville, PennsylvaniaJul 21, 20040 Comments

Patrol car parks in Volvo dealership parking lot and can monitor traffic both North and South. You will NOT see the patrol car until too late. White lines painted on road are used and North bound is at bottom of a down-hill stretch so it is very easy to be above the limit

State Highway Rt. 309 near State Route

Montgomeryville, PennsylvaniaApr 23, 20040 Comments

When the 309 expressway dumps off onto Bethlehem Pk. Northbound, there is a cop at the top of the overpass and another one that will pull you over driving underneath of it. State troopers by the PA turnpike exit on 309 Southbound will also use radar.

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