New Castle, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Route 422 at Baird Road

New Castle, PennsylvaniaJun 06, 20190 Comments

As you travel west on Route 422 past Ambrosia Trucking on the left, a quarter of a mile on your left is Baird Road. A half of a mile beyond that on the left is where the Mahoning Township Police like to sit and do speed enforcement. The speed limit through this area is 55 mph. They sit off the road about 40 to 50 feet in this driveway of an old business that used to sell modular homes years ago. They use 2 white lines painted horizontally across the highway. This is a hot spot to catch speeders as they can be spotted there anytime of the day. They usually sit there during the afternoon commute. They drive a Ford Taurus and Chevy Caprice both gray in color. They also have a Ford Explorer gray in color as well. They also have an older white Ford Explorer that only the Chief himself drives. They have been known to sit in this particular area half of their shifts doing speed enforcement. This is a very lucrative generator of revenue for this department.

E. Washington St. at Cass St.

New Castle, PennsylvaniaSep 17, 20180 Comments

Leaving New Castle on E. Washington St. entering into Shenango Township, about a tenth of a mile on the left is Cass St. Right before Cass St. is a little plaza called Park Place. The Police sit back in the corner of the parking lot on the side of a grassy hill with a few small pine trees. There are a set of white lines across E. Washington St. They drive dark gray Ford Explorers. This is a lucrative cash collector for this township. The best part is the local Magistrate used to be the Chief of Police for this PD so well you get the picture. Guilty. Drivers be careful.

Rt 18 between Northview Ave & Fairmont Ave.

New Castle, PennsylvaniaSep 17, 20180 Comments

Going north on RT 18 from New Castle, you enter Neshannock Township.About a half a mile into the Township is Fairmont Ave. Between Fairmont Ave. and Northview Ave is 3 speed traps. The Police sit back in various parking lots on the left side and right side. There are 4 sets of white lines painted across the road. This township is notorious for speed enforcement throughout this township. They have white patrol vehicles. Beware.

Shenango Township, south of New Castle

New Castle, PennsylvaniaMay 24, 20120 Comments

Route 65, Northbound, just past Forbush Ice Cream Stand. Township police sit in an eastside church parking lot HIDDEN BY A ROW OF EVERGREEN TREES. Timing stripes are marked on the highway. Cannot see the squad car until it’s too late. Speed limit is 45MPH, but it contains a passing zone, so you can get trapped after passing a vehicle and haven’t slowed down before the timing strips.

East Bound on Rt. 422 after E. Washington St. overpass

New Castle, PennsylvaniaMar 04, 20110 Comments

Shenango Twp. police park at the top of the east bound downhill entry ramp and time your speed between sets of painted lines on Rt. 422. Speed limit changes from 65 to 55 mph just before the overpass. They are partially hidden by foilage and are higher in elevation than the east bound road. You don’t see them until they’re in your rearview mirror.

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