New Cumberland, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Between Third and Second on Reno Streets

New Cumberland, PennsylvaniaNov 14, 20030 Comments

Officer usually sits in a marked car. Montiors Four-Way Stop signs at intersections. Also, other Traffic offensives.

various side streets off Bridge Str. between I-83 (Lemoyne) & 16th St

New Cumberland, PennsylvaniaJun 27, 20030 Comments

Speed limit of 25mph along Bridge St. From Burger King to 16th St, a cruiser will sit in a variety of different locations on either side streets, the parking lot of the Mini-Mart or the old Full Service garage/coffee drive-thru. Frequently enforced 25mph limit (usually only if above 35mph)

Across from St. Therese’s School on Bridge St

New Cumberland, PennsylvaniaJun 24, 20030 Comments

During the school year, a cruiser will sometimes park on the side street directly across from St. Therese’s Church/School monitoring speeds on Bridge St. Posted limit 25, 15mph during posted hours before & after school. Most traffic slows too quickly to 25-30 when he’s there but increases to 35+ when he’s not.

Front and Bridge Streets

New Cumberland, PennsylvaniaJan 30, 20030 Comments

Patrol cars sits in several locations the old Bridge Side tavern and Car Wash plus several side streets. This is a high DUI enforcement area also.

2nd and Reno Streets

New Cumberland, PennsylvaniaAug 01, 20010 Comments

4way-stops and speed limit of 25 on Second Streetand 35 on Reno Ave.

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