West Whiteland, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Rt 202 North Mile marker 13.8

West Whiteland, PennsylvaniaJan 14, 20130 Comments

As you drive over the peak of the road two officers will be waiting for you on the shoulder as you are now headed downhill and picking up speed.

Whitford Road near Boot Road

West Whiteland, PennsylvaniaApr 26, 20050 Comments

Residents complained…. they use a wireless laser device, one officer times you, other office pulls you into the Grove Deli…. They are not lenient AT ALL

Rte. 30 By-pass between Rte’s 100 & Bus. 30 @ Clover Mill Rd.

West Whiteland, PennsylvaniaSep 16, 20030 Comments

Towards the end of the month they will typically "bunch" up and get like 6 cars out there. If you are headed West on the by-pass and glance up the hill side right before you cross over Clover Mill Rd, you will see a West Whiteland cop car or suburban type vehicle. There are two rather large white stripes painted on the roadway. They time you between these two points I assume.

US Route 30 @ Clovermill Road

West Whiteland, PennsylvaniaMay 28, 20030 Comments

The local cops, along with the state police, sit here and write tickets all day. They use unmarked cars, aircraft, and even motorcycles. They work both lanes of traffic too.

King Road at the Johnson Matthey factory

West Whiteland, PennsylvaniaJan 01, 20020 Comments

A West Whiteland Township Police officer parks his cruiser far down the driveway of the Johnson Matthey factory (with the bushes and tall trees flanking the driveway concealing him well) and clocks you using VASCAR. It was at night, and there are no white lines across the road, so I’m guessing he was using two street light posts that he could see clearly. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH, although it should be a crime to drive that slowly on that part of the road (which is very straight) at that time of day on a weekend (when it’s almost completely empty)!

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