Pawtucket, Rhode Island Speed Traps
Smithfield Avenue
This is definately one of the most common speed traps. Many of my co-workers have been tagged on this road. During the school year, policemen just sit there all day directly across from the school and fire department. They’ll get ya every time!
School St.
There are three main spots that the Pawtucket Police hide on School St. The first two are after the 2nd traffic light when you get off of 95 North. They either hide on the left on Chestnut St. (where they are blocked by a low thick tree)or on the right in the Medical Center Parking lot. The third spot is about 1/2 mile up the road, the road bears to the right and there are tennis courts on the right hand side (10ft chain link fence) they hide in a little parking lot right after the courts where there is a traffic light. These three spots helped School St. in Pawtucket earn the second most finacial grossing speed trap in the COUNTRY!
Bennifit St. and Daggett Ave.
school zone 20mph, when yellow light is flashing, but light flashes on days school is not in session. Normal speed is 25mph.
York Avenue or Prospect Street or School Street (all are common speed traps)
For years, the city of Pawtucket has used speed traps as a means to gain revenue. This is a widely known practice. Most motorists who drive in this area know "you don’t speed in Pawtucket" even though many of their roads are industrial highways with little traffic and residential areas. Pawtucket receives most of its funding for its schools from the state and is generally an under-funded community. Everyone I know has received at least one speeding ticket from this city. They go so far as to post a 25mph on a street that changes halfway into another city where the limit is suddenly 35! (Pawtucket Avenue into East Providence).