Charleston, South Carolina Speed Traps

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glendale off of 61

Charleston, South CarolinaMay 14, 20100 Comments

you better come to a complete stop at the next 2 stop signs. They are always hidin on the side waiting for you to roll past. Right as you turn on glendale (flashing light) off of Ashley River rd there are a couple of stop signs before you get into Canterbury Woods. You better stop or get a $137 ticket.

Savannah Hwy US 17 West Ashley

Charleston, South CarolinaApr 12, 20100 Comments

In front of Blessed Sacrement Catholic Church heading South on 17, Savannah Hwy. Copper teams on motorcycles with lasers. They are there weekly!

Between Charleston and Beaufort

Charleston, South CarolinaJan 19, 20102 Comments

Going south from Charleston towards Beaufort on Highway 17, there is an (approximate) 25 mile stretch with maximum speeds of 50 and sometimes 45. Ironically, some of this stretch is four lane highway, surrounded by nothing more than woods and swamp. In other words, the speed limit has no real relation to what a reasonable speed limit should be.

Out-of-state drivers are easy prey for the troopers/police as they drive through, at what must seem to them to be a natural speed, of 65 or 70. Although the official speed limit is ridiculous, you will be ticketed (I believe over $200) for going 10 miles over the limit.

St. Philip Street near Calhoun Street

Charleston, South CarolinaJul 08, 20080 Comments

There is a College of Charleston Police officer that sits at the corner waiting for people to take a right on red. There are 3 signs there but I just came from court & she had at least 35 people in there for the same offense with pictures of the signs. Disposition: Everyone was guilty.

Ashley hall Road near US Highway between Sam Ritt. and 61

Charleston, South CarolinaJun 07, 20080 Comments

there is sometimes an officer or 2 sitting in front of the town houses across from the Church, usually a motorcycle officer standing shooting and waving people over. usually at the end of the month when they need to meet there Quota.

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