Dillon, South Carolina Speed Traps

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I95 near South Carolina North Carolina border

Dillon, South CarolinaMar 25, 20150 Comments

4.8 square mile town has 3 to 5 Dillon town police cars running speed traps at the same time in the last few miles before the NC border. They sit in the median hiding behind trees in the median and around curves. The speed traps are less than a mile apart. Be very careful.

I-95 between Dillon exits and NC border

Dillon, South CarolinaJun 09, 20110 Comments

Northbound only, so far as I can tell, apparently targeting drivers headed out of SC in a last-chance-style operation.

Martin Luther King Blvd

Dillon, South CarolinaMar 17, 20110 Comments

Going toward the beach , pass the I95 overpass, eateries and gas stations. In that staight stretch MLK Blvd turns to the right. It has fewer stop lights and cars so I "cut that corner of 9 off" often. A cop is just about always sitting in the gravel waiting.

Jackson Street, between 10th & 8th Avenue in parking lot

Dillon, South CarolinaApr 09, 20100 Comments

Beware of speed trap on Jackson Street heading west between 10th & 8th avenue. The policeman sits behind the bushes and trees in a parking lot across from the McLeod Medical Offices or down further next to a house.

State Highway 9

Dillon, South CarolinaJun 17, 20070 Comments

SC 9, going east from Myrtle Beach at the Dillon City limits

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