Whitmire, South Carolina Speed Traps
SC 72
I have always been suspicious of this town because of it’s citywide 25 mph speed limit. On one of my trips through the town I was approaching the city on SC 72 from the south in a 55 mph speed zone. Just before the city a 45 mph Warning Sign is posted. I hit the brakes before the sign and started to slow down so that I was going 49 mph as I reached the 45 mph Speed Limit sign.
Almost immediately I had blue lights in my rear view mirror.
The cop pulled me over and accused me of going 59 mph in a 45 mph zone. I assured him that I had started to slow down at the Warning Sign and was doing under 50 and still slowing down as I passed the 45 mph sign.
He “compromised” and gave me a ticket for doing 54 mph in a 45 mph zone.
I now go out of my way to go around this town.
On the highway through Whitmire, sc
they have two undercover cars writing tickets in this tiny city. That, in and of itself, raises questions. I was driving leisurely through the town and was pulled over. He claimed I was doing 49 in a 35. I’ve learned in my 70 years to be patient and not speed. I seriously doubt I was going that fast. I didn’t bother to argue with his report of what radar said. A good place to avoid!
While driving north on 176/121 into Whitmire
While approaching the town of Whitmire via Hwy 176/121, you will cross a bridge over Duncan Creek. Once after crossing the bridge, the speed will drop to either 45 or 35, and there will be a black unmarked Charger on top of the hill. Sometimes he faces the other way. Be sure and wave to him, he’ll love it.
State Highway 72 near State Highway 121
This area had a 45 mph speed limit for 28 year in Whitmire, South Carolina. Changed to 35 mph.
Highway 176/221/72 through Whitmire
The local cop sits at the Piggly Wiggly food store as travelers are east bound, or he’ll catch you as you are west bound right at the BVD plant/Young Chevrolet. Keep it right at/below the speed limit or he’ll nail you for $160 or more.