117th Avenue near State Highway 169

Champlin, MinnesotaMay 30, 20081 Comments

On side of road by Andrews park near those neigborhoods

I have lived in Champlin for 11 yrs. and know the speed limit is 55mph on 169. The cops do sit at the intersection at 169 & 117, I have passed by the cop many times at that intersection at speeds from 56-60 mph . I had seen people pulled over who drive very fast or aggressively and cops have pulled these drivers over while I've been on 169. I do travel 169 everyday to work and back home with problems. I do believe most people who get driving tickes are because of their bad driving or speeding . We have speed limits to make it safe for all. P.S. I have gotten a speeding ticket for speeding. And I was speeding. Now I watch my speed.
#1Jan 07, 2010Report Abuse

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