168th Avenue near Meadowdale High School

Lynnwood, WashingtonDec 06, 20071 Comments

School zone speed limit is 20mph on a 5 lane (2 each way + turn lane road) with lighted crosswalks. Police sit in the little park just east of the school (south side of road) and take advantage of the low rise to nail speeders at 25-45 mph during school hours. Enforcement is often as frequent as weekly.

This area is now a "photo enhanced speed zone", with cameras working both directions of traffic. The cameras, and the company operating them, have had a lot of problems with them working correctly. Residents are well aware of the cameras, and their problems, so most everyone complies with the 20mph speed, with the cameras operational during school hours. That's right, during school hours, not just when the kids are going or getting out of school; it lasts ALL day until after 4:30PM. The speed sensors are located in the road, and only for about 15 feet, so drivers rapidly slow down just as they get to the sensors, and speed up immediately afterwards. There has been a hit and run involving a student, contributed to a driver watching out for the speed camera and zone, and not pedestrians.
#1Jun 17, 2010Report Abuse

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