270 East North Bound Expressway near State Highway State Rt 161 East

Columbus, OhioFeb 03, 20060 Comments

North bound 270 after Morse Road on ramp, the speed drops to 55 mph long before the 161 construction, which then drops to 45 mph. On the first turn to the right after the morse road on ramp, they sit down the road just out of line of site, the inside lane (fast lane) is being hit with Laser, so no time to react. Also enforcing vehicle restrictions, wrote the ticket for a slightly tinted license plate cover, 35% window tint due to State of Ohio law no more than 50%, and Reckless Operation of a Motor Vehicle due to speed of 78 mph, which is 23 mph above the speed limit. Anything more than 20, can be a reckless operation. Mind you the rest of the traffic is running 70-72 mph, but just not in the left lane! Big push on Saturday afternoons, even when there is no construction going on. 2 cruisers, 1 further up the road after the construction for the intercept.

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