3) Hwy 5/19, Cty Rd 10/Lincoln Ave, Hwy 22

Gaylord, MinnesotaMay 01, 20170 Comments

Hwy5/19 – Anywhere from the Agri Fleet store by the 50 mph sign into town just past the Shell station. Next – Cty Rd 10/Lincoln Ave by the city park or by the trailer court/new school building all in the 30 mph zone. Last – Hwy 22 by the High School down to the Pool area in 30 mph zone. In all these areas they sit with no lights on at all – no parking lights, no interior lights nothing and they will follow at distance without turning on any lights. I live in town close to the first speed trap and can vouch for the tenancity of our police force, I hear at a minimum 8 calls on Friday/Saturday night from 9pm to past 2am, so figure out how much they make here with 32 stops just on weekends, if I was able to sell and move right now I would. Stay away from Sibley County and Gaylord they want your money!!!!

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