31st Street overpass just after stoplight on Ave. H

Temple, TexasDec 20, 20101 Comments

The speed on 21st street is 45 until you get to the overpass just after the light at Ave. H. At the bottom of the hill it drops to 30. As most people know a car moving down an incline will pick up speed without using the gas pedal. Make sure to use the break all the way down the hill and don’t go over 30mph. I have had several family get tickets at the bottom of the hill for going over 30mph on the down hill side of the overpass. Watch Out !!!

This not a speed trap as the speed drops from 40 not 45 at Ave R to 35. The speed then drops from 40 to 35 at Ave M. Then there is a speed limit drop to 30 from 35 and its marked before Ave H. This sounds like a disgruntled speeder. There is more than enough notification.
#1Feb 18, 2011Report Abuse

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