32 Mile Road near Richard’s Cemetary

Richmond, MichiganJun 14, 20082 Comments

Police sit in the Richard’s Cemetary, due to the brush and plants foliage in the area it is hard to see them till it is too late, they will pull you over for 5 or more over in thsi area.

The cops don't pull over for 5 over in this area. They will get you at 65 and over, and write you a ticket for 5 over. Speeds out here are generally 70+ in the 55, and it's not uncommon to see people travel at 90. Since the budget cuts in the county, there is no county cops to speak of. While there is a state cop who sits on the hill west of the cemetery (by the creek) on Saturdays, road patrol is far and few between here anymore and it's rare that someone gets pulled over.
#1Feb 12, 2010Report Abuse
What a bunch of complainers!!! If you obey the speed limits you are safe!!
#2May 14, 2010Report Abuse

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