49th Avenue near US Highway 117

Sapulpa, OklahomaJul 27, 20081 Comments

On 49th between Creek Turnpike and Highway 117, there is usually a unit sitting at either the gas plant, the Crosstimbers subdivision entrance or both. They have been stepping up enforcement as of late.

I got stopped by the unmarked black car from the Sapulpa PD. I am not sure why the Sapulpa PD need to be patrolling way out that far from the town limits since 49th West Avenue is a rural road and an obvious choice to access the Creek Turnpike from Highway 117. The speed limit is 45 on the south side of 117 and the north side of the turnpike, but they squeezed it down to 40 mph in this area which has several hills so you basically have to ride your brakes through most of the stretch. I got pulled over on my way home in a company marked pickup after a long day at work. I was doing 50 in a 40. I had a perfect driving record at the age of 38. I even pulled off on a side road and turned on my road work flashers for safety. The cop decided to prove a point and wrote me a ticket for $99.00
#1Apr 01, 2010Report Abuse

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