6th Street near California Street

Norco, CaliforniaOct 09, 20072 Comments

6th street in "old Town Norco" is a rather LONG street, the speed limit is only 25 (due to horses) but if you go even 30 you will get stopped . there are numerous motorcycle cops HIDING in driveways along the street ready to stop and ticket you! I got caught 2x going less than 30 but over 25 the first cop gave me a warning the 2nd cop gave me a ticket!

On 6th street from the freeway until California there are many hidden motorcycle cops. The reason being, ppl cutting through to get to the 91 freeway. Some have even started to go down Sierra to 7th street, they rarely stop at the stop signs, so the police have started to watch 7th and 8th street all the way until California St. to get these ppl to quit cutting through! Believe me I ride my horse early in the AM, have almost been hit a couple of times!! NO ONE wins when a horse is involved!
#1Feb 27, 2010Report Abuse
You must have been going at least 40 since the speed limit on 6th is 35, NOT 25.
#2Jul 20, 2010Report Abuse

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