7100 block of New hampshire Avenue

Takoma Park, MarylandSep 10, 20102 Comments

stationary automated camera

I drive north and south on New Hampshire Ave. from northern Silver Spring, MD to North Capitol St., Washington, DC, 4 to 5 times a week. My observation has been that the posted speed limits range from 40 to 45 mph. Recently I got a speeding ticket based on data from a speed camera mounted in 7100 block claiming that I was traveling at 48 mph in a 35-mph zone. I have never seen a posted speed limit of 35 mph on any portion of New Hampshire Ave. between Silver Spring and Washington. Has anyone?
#1Nov 02, 2014Report Abuse
The ticket i got showed my vehicle in a place and at a time which occurred TWO YEARS ago. The company who runs these cameras is totally incompetant. They were SO DISHONEST that when they were contracted by Baltimore City they were so notorious for FALSE TICKETS that people all over the city threw bottles , cans and drinks at their vehicles. Baltimore fired them. I used to work at Xerox during the time they were owned by Xerox and i have personal experience of their complete inaccuracy. Their photos are routinely labled with the wrong dates and times. Xerox got rid of them. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY REPORT.
#2May 26, 2022Report Abuse

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