99w and Adair Village area

Adair Village, OregonDec 14, 20101 Comments

Hill north of Adair Village where the three members of the police dept. are running radar. Tickets written on 99w are a large source of revenue for the small town. The area south of town are patrolled also. Critical areas are Adair Frontage road, Arnold Ave. down to NW Arboretum Road.

I was passing through town and I am from out of state. I passed a car on the right while a car was making a left hand turn, all of which is legal in Oregon yet was cited for illegal passing on the left, a nearly $300.00 ticket. I elected to take it to court instead of paying the "shake down" fee. After 6 months waiting for a court date and my request to the court for the officers records, notes, photos or other evidence for the citation, I receive a notice from the court clerk that the ticket writing officer requested a review from the local Judge and the citation was magically dismissed! No doubt most folks simply roll over and pay the fine instead of taking the time and energy to take these thugs to court and challenge these bogus tickets. Be on the lookout...Adair Village will pick your pocket any chance they can get!!!
#1Jun 30, 2011Report Abuse

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