Adams Boulevard near Georgia Street

Boulder City, NevadaJul 19, 20074 Comments

Area is a school zone that is strictly enforced at 15 MPH which is no problem enforcing school zones. However when school is out or otherwise numerous people have been stopped for doing 1 to 2 miles over the posted limit. Not 5-10 but one (1) to two (2). No fighting it just simply pay your $100.00+ because they don’t care. People have gone on local radio shows telling of these stories of 1-2 mile tickets and the high fines. All that the Police Say is "You were speeding, I’m doing my job, you’re wrong, sign here"

This is no longer a problem area. Use to be the 15 mph limit was for some time prior to students in the area and continues til way after, basically all day long. Now, the warning lights and times of day is restricted only to those times when student are coming or going from school. This was a sore spot even with locals because there are two schools in this stretch with a vacant lot between so the slow zone was a good distance and when the slow limit was for most of the day rather then just when students were on the street it created a lot of disgust.
#1May 05, 2010Report Abuse
This still is a problem area some cops can't tell time or I really hate to say it but lye.
#2Nov 21, 2010Report Abuse
there are many problem areas in Boulder City! No tickets in 35 years of driving, move to BC 3 years ago, 2 tickets in 16 months! this town sucks. this is the only way this loser town makes money.if driving to phoenix go through laughlin!
#3May 17, 2011Report Abuse
Boulder City is one huge speed trap. Avoid it like the plague. Maybe once the tourists stop going there and spending their $$$ at the businesses in and around BC, then maybe the businesses will put pressure on the BC revenue thieves and crooked politicians that run that place. Like the above post says, if you are driving to PHX avoid BC and take the Laughlin route, still a few speed traps along the way but nothing like BC.
#4May 23, 2011Report Abuse

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