Halifax, Nova ScotiaSep 23, 20101 Comments

Cop parks on the overpass and can get cars coming both ways. There are usually three chase cars parked on the Ramp.

This Exit is actually the Exit 5 overpass on Hwy 102. if you are heading outbound the police usually sit in their cruiser tucked back just a bit on the right hand side of the overpass(the side closest to the business park) so they are a little hidden by the highway sign. If you are inbound and you look up and to the left, you'll be able to just see the top of the cruiser because on this side it is concealed only by the concrete rail of the overpass. Chase cars are usually on both sides of the ramp and ready to go in or outbound. They ALSO sit on the Exit 5 on ramp inbound so they can lase you from behind and chase you in. AND....THEY TARGET BIKERS THE MOST, no matter if you're on a cruiser or crotch rocket. I got a buddy who is an is a cop. He got pulled over there on his bike and got a ticket so no one is safe. The kicker is he was being passed by a silver cavalier when they lased him, I know, I was behind him.
#1Jan 01, 2011Report Abuse

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