All rural highways and interstates in Minnesota

Minneapolis, MinnesotaFeb 10, 20101 Comments

Just a heads up that Minnesota State Patrol is giving tickets for speeds higher than what the driver is actually traveling. I got a warning for going 66 in a 55 while watching my speedometer carefully – it said 64. A few months later, in a different part of the state, I got a ticket for going 80 in a 70 while watching my speedometer carefully – it said 78. After both incidents, I timed my speed with a new GPS that is accurate to 1/10th of a mph. My speedometer reads between -0.5 to +1 mph of the true speed I am going. Therefore, I could easily have been going 65 and 79, respectively, but the officers’ radar guns clearly are calibrated at least +1 mph from the true speed. This is unethical and probably illegal! Spread the word.

So what you are saying is that you were speeding anyways. Keep these posts about speed traps....not your vehicle calibration.
#1Dec 22, 2011Report Abuse

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