all streets Street near throughout the city Street

Claremore, OklahomaApr 27, 20082 Comments

If you are "tagged" by Claremore Police, going about your day, they will follow you everywhere you go. They put their signals on going the opposite way you are going and then continue to follow you until you reach the town limits. If you are not calm and cool and pretend they are not there, they will stop you for a routine call on something wierd or ask you if you know how fast you were going or if you turned your signal on that last turn! I have been asked twice why I have a certain plate on my car( my husband is a very white Native American), for having "nice wheels" and where I am from( I have dark skin and can look like many differnet types of ethnicities. Drive with caution through Claremore and stay calm.

sad to say, but i too believe this to be true. love living in claremore but do believe that "tagging" is very common and unfortantely it happens frequently with people whom have dark goes beyond just being a speed trap.
#1Mar 28, 2010Report Abuse
"it happens frequently with people whom have dark skin" because " people whom have dark skin" feel very entitled these days and are more than happy to say that everything that happens to them happens because of their "dark skin". maybe they ought to simply learn to drive better. Claremore cops are a pretty good bunch.
#2Mar 29, 2010Report Abuse

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