Any road coming or going into Mossyrock

Mossyrock, WashingtonJan 01, 20011 Comments

This town has 2 officers spending almost all of their time sitting nerar or just outside of the city limits waiting for drivers with a light out or minor equipment problems as an excuse to pull you over. Also speeds at school zone are 20 mph 24 hours a day, and other posted speeds are low. You are usually coming from a road with higher speed limit and theya re waiting in areas to catch you before you slow down. The equipment they is outdated and not properly used and like most small towns, the officers are not properly trained in the use of this equipment.

Some of this is quite true. Especially the school zones. We are are a safe small town. Suggest the info be cleaned up. Thanks.
#1May 05, 2011Report Abuse

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