Appleby Line Road

Burlington, OntarioJan 07, 20081 Comments

This trap is actually located between Upper Middle Road and Dundas on Appleby Line. Its targeted at southbound drivers on appleby line. on the south side of the newly built underpass for the train tacks, there is a driveway to the right that’s visibility is impaired by the little building built in to the bridge. where I have on numerous occasions seen a dark blue cruiser parked. (low lighting in that area)

If you're doing over 60 southbound and allow your speed to increase as you go downhill under the tracks, you could well be doing over 70 at the bottom. The way the road curves, you've got no chance if there's a car at the posted location. The new underpass on Upper Middle west of Appleby could lead to similar challenges. You just need to carefully monitor your speed in these areas.
#1Apr 11, 2010Report Abuse

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