Ashby Road

St. Ann, MissouriJan 11, 20112 Comments

Cameras attached to lights in front of Hoesh School. Yellow flashing light on when 20 mile speed limit is in effect, yet lights are always flashing, even during school holidays. Not much warning about speed change when traveling North on Ashby from Page.

This is definitely a speed trap, for a while the city had the system on long hours...but in Janary 12 2011 MODOT set policy on the photo speed/redlight cameras which sets somewhat reasonable boundries on them. I am currently ignoring a red light camera ticket, seeing if the city makes good thier threat to send it to the court. Then I will make a motion that they shut down the camera until they are certified by MODOT and meet the standards set by the MUTCD of the USDOT which is binding on all government.
#1Oct 25, 2011Report Abuse
St. Ann is a toilet. No tax revenue, lousy schools, anyone with money leaves. This is there only way of generating revenue. They cant even afford real cops. It is rigged with red light cameras and this sleazy speed trap. Do yourself a favor, go out of your way to drive around to avoid this crappy little town.
#2Feb 14, 2013Report Abuse

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