Baseline Road near Cornellius Pass Road

Hillsboro, OregonOct 12, 20070 Comments

The Trap is on Baseline RD, between 231st and the Albertons Shopping Center at Cornellius Pass RD and Baseline.

Officer enforcing is generally on a motorcycle and can be easily concealed along easily along this stretch of road. However a few times it has been an SUV that was being used to monitor traffic. And on occasion I have seen a patrol car with someone already pulled over, but I haven’t seen a patrol car waiting for someone yet.

When heading EAST, right after passing 231st, the Officer tends to stay on the very next road which is protected well from visibility by a fence/bushes when heading EAST, and by a large Hill/Dirt Embankment when heading WEST.

Occasionally the officer will park at the top of some of the few driveways directly off of Baseline.

AM Trap is typically for East Bound Traffic
PM Trap is typically for West Bound Traffic

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