Bayview Extension

Toronto, OntarioAug 28, 20121 Comments

With the recent speed limit reduction from 70 km/h to 60km/h along the entire route it is now a common scene to see radar at various points along the road. Most traps are set to nab you when traveling Southbound. Some of the more frequent spots are Southbound as you round the bend and pass under the bridge approaching Rosedale Valley Road, can’t see them at all until you come around and then it is already too late. Often several lasers are set-up here to keep the tickets rolling. Also they often set-up just past the Brickworks, when travelling South, also nabbing you as you round a bend. When traveling Northbound they sometimes set-up right at the on ramp to the DVP or around the bound after driving under the on ramp underpass. Easy to go 75+ along here with only one light from Pottery Road to Rosedale Valley and minimal traffic to go along with everyone being accustomed to the previous 70 km/h speed limit.

There is no reason for this drop in speed. No homes, the bike trails do not run along roadway, there is plenty of shoulder for people stopping at the rugby field, the brick works has a light, four lanes that feel like a highway, it was the only great road in the city left. It felt like a piece of country in the city when riding my motorcycle along it. The only reason I can see them doing it is if they are going to add bike lanes or something as stupid.
#1May 16, 2013Report Abuse

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