Beisterfield Street near Rowling Road

Elk Grove Village, IllinoisMar 03, 20082 Comments

Beisterfield west of Rowling to Meecham is a 25 MPH zone and 20 by the school – it is very easy to go over 20 or 25 MPH on this 4 lane road.

Be warned, after coming down the hill (bridge over 53 / 355) West Bound on Biesterfield it drops from 40mph to 25mph and it stays 25mph till you hit Meacham Rd. Also keep in mind that there is a school zone along this stretch of road that is strictly enforced ! I won't call it a trap but if you go the speed limit you are OK.
#1Aug 24, 2010Report Abuse
This is NOT as speed trap. The residents of Elk Grove lobbied long and hard for the Biesterfield/53 exchange. When you get off the expressway, watch your speed. The police stricktly enforce the school zone speed limit. Let the other knuckleheads zip past you. You'll catch them at the next light or, more likely, see them get pulled over. Don't forget - No cell phone use in a school zone. This area is heavily traveled by commuters and you WILL get a ticket if you're on your phone.
#2Mar 08, 2011Report Abuse

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