Brainard Ave, between 55th and 47th street

La Grange, IllinoisMay 31, 20030 Comments

Essentially once you leave Countryside and enter LaGrange, the speed limit drops from 35 to 30 (which is a crime since it used to be 35 there too, but you could go 40-45 safely). This is a mile-long straight stretch between 55th and 47th with the Country Club on one side and residential on the other. Cops love to sit on the sidestreets and wait for you to come down the road speeding. Coverage is sometimes sporadic though, some days you can sail through at 45 with no problems, but if they catch you going more than 4 or 5 over, too bad, you’ve got a ticket. (I actually know someone who got a ticket clocked at 32 in a 30 on that street).

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