Broad Street near US Highway By the 288 exits

Richmond, VirginiaJan 16, 20061 Comments

Was going down Broad Street past Stranges Florist and luckily I had my radar detector going, but got a blast of constant on, looked up ahead and saw a red Camaro pulling someone over. Its a 45 where it should be a 55. I even caught myself going 10 over

I was pulled over at this spot by an undercover white Dodge Charger. This section of Broad St. is a rural 6 lane stretch that has been recently paved. I was clocked going 59mph going downhill headed west. Be careful! I now put on my cruise control through this section. It should be marked 55 and is very hard to hold 45 or less going downhill.
#1Sep 10, 2010Report Abuse

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