Broadway Avenue near Saint Patrick Hospital

Missoula, MontanaJan 30, 20081 Comments

Sometimes a cop will park in the Safeway parking lot across from St. Patrick Hospital facing South, catching traffic going either direction going down Broadway.


Not long ago the city was spending several thousand dollars per month to entrap this spot. Then we got a little newspaper coverage of the impropriety and officers quietly went away. Both situations are disappointing. a) Obviously the expenditure was too high for the very poor result. b) When officers went away that meant that there could not even be the minimal protection that illegal entrapment offers. The basic problem is one of a street having been designed for high speed right past a hospital. To busy drivers it looks like a 45mph zone. Those drivers cannot afford the time to look for the very odd 25mph speed limit signs. There is nothing to indicate presence of the hospital. Crosswalks are not well marked and many of the handicapped people coming out of procedures are in pain, drugged and incapable of moving as intelligently as others. Handicapped people must confusedly cross a broad expanse. That the City of Missoula was willing to spend all this money but couldn't spend those same funds on better signage is a deep disappointment. The existence of this National Speed Trap Exchange is perhaps the one thing that will force municipalities to address the fundamental issue of safety. Hopefully, bloggers here may help develop a national law that makes good engineering the single means to control traffic speed. It costs far less to get to the issue head-on and correct roadways than to lose a single life. Good engineering pays cities far better than illegal speed entrapments designed as municipal revenue streams.
#1Jul 25, 2010Report Abuse

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